News & events 2008


Merry Christmas!

Katie with her "godmothers" Helena, Sirpa & Elena ;-)


At the end of August I got a phone call from a friend and
because of that call I found myself in Belgium at the end of October...

A few days later I came back home with a lovely little black girl
~ Hey Katie du Domaine d'Haïsha ~
Already now she reminds me of her name-sake in
that well-known Shakespearean play - The Taming of A Shrew -
but to balance her naughty side she has an ever-wagging tail
and you just cannot be cross at her for more than a second.

Her pedigree is full of dogs I have known and liked personally,
including my darling Iina and Will's father Pepsi.

It was so good to see my friends the Hansons -
Sabine, Dany, Carol, Gaelle and Nicholas
(luckily I managed to avoid meeting his pet snake) -, as well as
dear Lea (or "auntie Tripol's" as we call her) but due to our very
short visit I could not meet all my Belgian friends even if I wanted to.


After two years of absence, I went to Crufts...
had some G&T's with Elena (who's counting?);
met lots of friends on the cocker day:
Sandy, Rudy & Nelly, Sheila, Denise... to name just a few;
sat on the ring side when the well-known Finnish judge
Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen judged the Finnish Spitz;
saw more friends on the scottie day: Clair, Liz, Laurie...

Also lots of thanks to my travelling companions
- Jaana, Malla, Juha & Vesa -
lots of laughs and doggie related stories throughout the trip.


I almost got a new puppy but decided to wait still for another one.

Happy New Year 2008!


a photo of Will in the summer of 1999

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