Old guestbook entries

Name:   Martina
Homepage address:   http://www.arabellascot.de
City:   Scottietown
Message sent:   2006-04-04 22:26:23
Message:   Lots of best wishes from your German friends Mirko, Martina and all the Arabella's Scotties!! Hope to meet you once again !! We miss you all!!
Name:   Anderia Wiemar
Homepage address:   http://www.vonwiemarseck.de
City:   Duitsland
Message sent:   2006-03-05 14:36:25
Message:   Hallo Ik ben door toeval op jullie HP gekomen Bevalt me zeer goed.Ik Kom van Nederland maar ik woon al 24jaar in Duitsland.Wij hebben 2Eng:CockerSpaniels en hebben afentoe ook een nestje.Kijk toch maar op onze HP. www.vonwiemarseck.de Groetjes van Anderia en Vierbener.
Name:   Kim Gain
Homepage address:   www.molkaracockerspaniels.piczo.com
City:   Kent, UK
Message sent:   2006-01-04 21:13:47
Message:   Just found your website, wishing you much success in the future.
Name:   Pirjo
Homepage address:   http://welcome.to/walkingshadows
City:   Imatra, Finland
Message sent:   2005-12-27 09:18:10
Message:   Testing testing
Name:   Patty Ek
Homepage address:  
City:   Battle Ground, Washington state, USA
Message sent:   2005-02-20 19:06:37
Message:   February 20, 2005: Do you have any puppies now or expect some this year? I love black especially. Red or black & white are nice, too. I really love the look of your black dogs/bitches on your website. I am looking for a show quality dog with great promise. I have things ready in my home to welcome & love English Cockers. Patty Ek
Name:   Lea
Homepage address:  
City:   Ossendrecht
Message sent:   2005-02-19 08:35:36
Message:   Hi Pirjo hoe gaat het met je ????? Lea
Name:   Heidi
Homepage address:   www.heidinsivut.cjb.net
City:   Kauhava
Message sent:   2005-02-05 19:22:55
Message:   Upeat sivut ja ennenkaikkea upeita koiria! :) Ilo oli näytäkin sivuja selailla. Hyvää vuotta 2005, ja ihania talvi lenkkikelejä. Heidi ja cockerit
Name:   Tiina Ekström
Homepage address:  
City:   Espoo
Message sent:   2004-12-21 04:15:59
Message:   Oikein Rauhallista Joulua ja Onnellista Vuotta 2005 Pirjolle ja luppakorville:) Toivottaa Tiina ja cockeritytöt Espoosta Ps. Tapaamisiin näyttelyissä!
Name:   Vissers Anja
Homepage address:  
Message sent:   2004-07-29 09:59:35
Message:   Spijtig genoeg is mijn beste vriendje Xoeby,een Engelse Cocker Spaniël, zondag gestorven. Hij was slechts 6 jaar jong. Misschien willen we wel een nieuw vriendje, vandaar dat ik eens aan het rondkijken ben op internet.Anja
Name:   nathalie
Homepage address:  
City:   antwerpen
Message sent:   2004-06-30 05:06:27
Message:   i want a cocker but I can t find it anywhere
Name:   C.Gilson
Homepage address:   http://von-der-kaisereiche.piranho.de
City:   Berlin, Germany
Message sent:   2004-05-01 16:14:10
Message:   A real nice site and good dogs. Good luck!
Name:   Terri and Heath
Homepage address:   http://www.macdolly.com
City:   Brisbane, Australia
Message sent:   2004-04-02 15:26:12
Message:   What a great Website!! It was wonderful to look around and I see we are related :) We have a black girl from Tuija, Sheerclever Nothing Else Matters, aka Strudel. Lovely to see the photos of all your dogs - Will is gorgeous!!. Please visit our site soon too. I will add a link to your site with your permission?
Name:   silvia grimm
Homepage address:   http://www.silvias-pudel.de
Message sent:   2004-03-05 02:46:51
Message:   hello,great dogs,nice site,bestwishes from germany,silvia,bernd and poodles.
Name:   Lisa Hampton
Homepage address:  
City:   Englewwod, TN USA
Message sent:   2004-02-26 11:53:39
Message:   Hi, I spend my free time looking at, what we call <BR> English cocker spaniels. I just had to tell you that your Will is a stunning example. Will you be breeding him in the next year? Thank-you for sharing your dogs.
Name:   ed bousson
Homepage address:  
City:   oostende/belgium
Message sent:   2003-12-29 07:57:53
Message:   many greetings from me and my black cocker dog, "yago" as you see shakespeare,is not far away. ed.
Name:   Tiina Ekström
Homepage address:  
City:   Espoo
Message sent:   2003-12-20 19:23:27
Message:   Pirjolle, Iinalle ja Will-poitsulle Riemuisaa Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta 2004!<BR> <BR> toivottaapi Tiina ja cockeritytöt Sara,Roosa ja Brenda Espoosta ja tapaamisiin ensi vuonna 2004:)
Name:   Katja Rauhut
Homepage address:   http://www.doghandling.tk
City:   Hannover/Deutschland
Message sent:   2003-10-24 11:21:39
Message:   Hello, I was surfing the Internet and saw your great lokking Website. I like your cockers a lot. Nice picctures and good results. Many lovely greetings from Germany. Katja Rauhut
Name:   Ingrid Eriksson
Homepage address:   http://www.mightyfalls.com/
Message sent:   2003-10-05 09:56:18
Message:   Hi, It have been a great pleasure to visit your site. I will be back again soon. ~Ingrid and the cocker gang from Sweden
Name:   Satu Laitinen
Homepage address:   http://www.geocities.com/kennelleadinglight/
City:   Helsinki/Finland
Message sent:   2003-08-19 06:42:17
Message:   Hei Pirjo! Kertakaikkiaan mainiot sivut:)ja ihastuttavat koirat. Kiitos vielä,kun olet ollut kehien reunoilla auttamassa uusien sääntöjen opettelussa;) Toivottavasti tapaamme taas näyttelyissä! T.Satu Laitinen
Name:   Elaine
Homepage address:   http://www.geocities.com/doultonkennels
City:   Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Message sent:   2003-08-18 18:30:33
Message:   Loved your site and your dogs.<BR> <BR> Keep up the good work
Name:   Lucie Malecka
Homepage address:   http://www.volny.cz/spaniels
City:   Czech Republic
Message sent:   2003-07-10 05:07:36
Message:   You have a very nice site and lovely dogs! Have a lovely summer with your dogs!! Lucie Malecka
Name:   Tiina Ekström
Homepage address:  
City:   Espoo
Message sent:   2003-05-22 15:53:12
Message:   Paljon terveisiä sinulle ja cockereillesi täältä Espoosta!! Varmaankin erik.näyt. Männistöllä tavataan. terveisin Tiina ja cockeritytöt Sara,Roosa ja Brenda
Name:   Carina Scheidnass
Homepage address:   http://www.white-standandard-male.com
City:   Germany
Message sent:   2003-05-19 22:09:34
Message:   hello, you have a great side all the best to you and your dohs Carina Scheidnass Poodles & All Breed Dog Handling Germans best Junior Handler 96 and 97 http://www.white-standard-male.com/
Name:   Heather
Homepage address:   http://shortcut.to/heathers-cockers
City:   Borlänge, Sweden
Message sent:   2003-05-15 04:13:03
Message:   Very nice website Pirjo! I love English Cockers so much!<BR> <BR> Sincerely, Heather Bailey Diesel
Name:   Janne
Homepage address:  
City:   Mänttä
Message sent:   2003-04-29 19:03:36
Message:   Olemme keski-ikäinen pariskunta ja mustaa koiraa olisimme vailla. Käyttömemme on vain ja ainoastaan seurakoirana ja lenkkikaverina. Myös sijoitukset tulevat kyseeseen. Kokemusta meillä on kahdesta cockerista ensimmäinen otettiin jo 7 - vuotiaana toinen pentuna. Viimeinen jouduttiin lopettamaan syövän takia. Mutta kyllä sitä koiraa osaa kaivata. Jos tiedät mistä saisi meidän tarkoitukseemme sopivan koiran niin ottaisitko yhteyttä. Hyvään kotiin pääsisi ja haettaisiin tarvittaessa kauenpaakin. Ystävällisin terveisin ja hauskaa vappua ! T. Janne
Name:   Heidi Nykänen
Homepage address:  
City:   Imatra
Message sent:   2003-04-25 08:12:47
Message:   hei! Olen tuore cockerspanielin omistaja ja olisin kiinnostunut Imatran kennelkerhon toiminnasta. Onko esim. pentu- tai tottelevaisuuskoulutusta? Ja myös trimmauspalvelusta, näyttelyissäkin luultavasti tulemme käymään. Kiitos jo etukäteen!! Terv. heidi Nykänen<BR> Puh: 040-566 6623
Name:   Leny Meijer
Homepage address:   http://members.lycos.nl/wishke/index.htm
City:   Roosendaal
Message sent:   2003-04-07 11:57:12
Message:   Hallo Pirjo, I have visited you Homepage and want to say that I like it very much. Also thanks for making Links to Tripol's site. Hopefully we can meet each other sometime. Greetings from Wishke and Leny
Name:   Annika
Homepage address:   http://www.geocities.com/atuulia
Message sent:   2003-02-08 11:44:34
Message:   Kivat sivut ja tyylikkäitä cockereita:)<BR> Hyvää talven jatkoa!
Name:   lotte
Homepage address:  
City:   Denmark
Message sent:   2003-01-20 07:33:58
Message:   Hey Pirjo it´s been long time since we have talkede, now I´m living on Sjælland with Michael owner of Kennel Galaksi we have a small farm and oure 16 dogs cockers americans and springers, new adress is Gammelgang 2 4293 Dianalund DK come and visit on your way to Finland or come for a show mayby, will try to get the computer running in marts I´ll get back to you, hope that you are okay and well lotte Andreasen Cockergold
Name:   Vicki Morgan
Homepage address:   http://www.geocities.com/willowstar2001
City:   Brisbane Australia
Message sent:   2003-01-03 05:53:27
Message:   Hi Pirjo<BR> Your site is excellent and I have enjoyed going through it,looking at the scenery and your lovely solids.Your Will is a nice looking boy,I am sure success with him will be on going. Best of Luck with him in the future
Name:   Sarne
Homepage address:  
City:   Merelbeke - Belgium
Message sent:   2003-01-03 05:35:30
Message:   Best Wishes for a splendid 2003! We hope to see you in Malvern.... Sarne en Sofie
Name:   Sivenit
Homepage address:   http://personal.inet.fi/koti/oleaginous
Message sent:   2002-12-22 00:00:42
Message:   Christmas Greetings to Pirjo,Iina and Willy's.Hope you feel happy in your new home.Family-Siven
Name:   Monica Malmstedt
Homepage address:  
City:   Stockholm(Ingarö),Sweden
Message sent:   2002-12-20 05:12:08
Message:   Hi Pirjo! My name is Monica Malmstedt and I'm from Sweden.I'm the owner of a red cockermale his name is Sheerclever Pretender,Owen.He's a real Boy so full of fun and I'm so much in love with him.Owen send lot of kisses to his mum Iina.Please give a BIG hug to Iina and Will from me.Best wishes for the future.MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2003 from Monica and Owen.
Name:   Riikka
Homepage address:  
City:   http://netti.nic.fi/~gescape
Message sent:   2002-10-23 02:11:14
Message:   Onnea uuteen kotiin!!!
Name:   Carita & Pasi & hauvat
Homepage address:  
Message sent:   2002-10-19 11:11:11
Message:   Heippa Pirjo! Olipas kiva tavata pitkästä aikaa Spanieliliiton näyttelyssä, en osannut odottaa sua siellä näkeväni kun luulin, että olet vallan jäänyt sinne Belgiaan. Tervetuloa kotomaahan, ja onnea uuden talon johdosta! Tässä vielä osoitteemmme, jos vaikka poikkeat joskus: Kiljavantie 253, 05200 Rajamäki. Llawen Harrovianilta ja Ruosteposken Estafeteltä terveiset tytöille (ja pojallekin..). Nähdään messarissa, t. Carita
Name:   Lea Bogers
Homepage address:   http://uk.geocities.com/tripolscockers
City:   Ossendrecht
Message sent:   2002-10-11 13:39:39
Message:   Hi Pirjo see you have a newe house lot of luck Lea
Name:   Brenda
Homepage address:  
City:   Covington,Georgia USA
Message sent:   2002-09-27 05:08:36
Message:   Wonderful site. I really enjoyed.
Name:   Monica
Homepage address:   http://jump.to/yorkies
City:   Boden / Sweden
Message sent:   2002-08-16 18:28:21
Message:   I realy enjoyed my visit on your Homepage.<BR> Greetings from Sweden
Name:   Dorla Demontreve
Homepage address:  
City:   Seguin, Texas
Message sent:   2002-07-20 21:46:46
Message:   I have raised cocker spaniels and english springers in the past. I think cockers are beautiful animals and great companions. Thanks. Dorla Demontreve
Name:   Derryn
Homepage address:   http://www.madaboutdogs.homestead.com/MadAboutDogs.html
City:   Guernsey, Channel Islands
Message sent:   2002-05-31 04:24:41
Message:   Hi Pirjo Great website you have here very well set out and informative. Nice to keep a track on how well they have been doing. Hopefully we will meet up at Southern Counties. Take care, Derryn
Name:   Stina
Homepage address:   http://murbrackan.syns.nu
City:   Hammarby
Message sent:   2002-05-21 13:52:18
Message:   I really like your side and the lovely picture . You don´t have particolour??  LIKE TO SEE MOOORE IN FUTURE STINA
Name:   lynne birrell
Homepage address:  
City:   scotland
Message sent:   2002-05-16 06:01:29
Message:   i loved your pages about cockers i have 2 bitches which are sisters one of them has just had pups 9 but 3 died they are both golden and the puppies are 5 black and 1 gold i look forward to reding more from your page and looking at your lovely pictures of your dogs
Name:   Renata Niklasiewicz & Milena Seidel
Homepage address:   http://republika.pl/renmil
City:   Poznan - Poland
Message sent:   2002-05-11 15:19:57
Message:   Hallo!!! My name is Renata Niklasiewicz, I live in Poland. I'm breeding of english cocker spaniel since the year 1993. My home kennel's name is RENMIL. I love your site and your cockers.
Name:   Martina + Mirko
Homepage address:   http://www.arabellascot.de
City:   Nister-Germany
Message sent:   2002-04-26 05:01:00
Message:   Hello Pirjo, enjoyed your homepage!! Lots of greetings from the German Scottie-friends!! CU soon!!
Name:   Derryn
Homepage address:   http://www.madaboutdogs.homestead.com/MadAboutDogs.html
City:   Guernsey, Channel Islands
Message sent:   2002-03-30 14:07:00
Message:   Hi Pirjo, Many thanks for taking the time to visit my website and thank you for signing my Guest Book. It was a pleasure to meet you at Crufts and I'm hoping to be at The Cocker Club Centenary Show in July, it should be a nice Show. Take care and best wishes, Derryn
Name:   Jacques Neumann
Homepage address:  
City:   Eupen Belqique
Message sent:   2002-03-22 04:21:22
Message:   je cherche pour debut 2003 un chiot rouge ( male) la queue coupée. veuillez me contacter svp. b.a.v. Jacques Neumann
Name:   Brigiite Felix
Homepage address:   http://users.belgacom.net/sacrafice
City:   Hoeselt Belgium
Message sent:   2002-03-09 01:08:09
Message:   I like you site very much Also that you now what you want.You see that in the dogs;Go on like that.A Rough Collie Breeder !!!!!!!!I Like your Country
Name:   Antonio Carranza
Homepage address:  
City:   Lima, Peru
Message sent:   2002-03-08 15:16:08
Message:   Congratulations Pirjo!!, Great website, and beautiful Cockers!!
Name:   wendy parker
Homepage address:  
City:   southend on sea - UK
Message sent:   2002-03-06 06:40:32
Message:   Hi Pirjo, What a lovely website, you have some magnificent cockers.
Name:   Murielle Van Schel
Homepage address:  
City:   B-1731 Zellik
Message sent:   2002-02-24 09:22:13
Message:   Hallo, Ik heb zelf al mijn tweede Engelse cocker spaniel en vind dit dus het beste hondenras dat er bestaat. Jullie site is bijzonder geslaagd. Zouden jullie mij kunnen zeggen waar ik een screensaver en/of wallpaper van een Engelse cocker spaniel kan vinden. Groetjes
Name:   Sirpa Ahonen
Homepage address:   http://www.kolumbus.fi/sirpa.ahonen
City:   Vantaa, Finland
Message sent:   2002-02-20 11:55:47
Message:   Hei Pirjo! Terveiset täältä kylmästä kotomaasta! Kävin pitkästä aikaa surffailemassa ihmisten sivuja ja päädyin tänne. Willyn kuva etusivulla näyttää todella hyvältä. Onnea tulevaan koitokseen Cruftsiin!Tulemme paikanpäälle pitämääm peukkuja! Terveisin Ahosen Sirpa & Koirat
Name:   Birgitta
Homepage address:   http://mine.at/moorcocks
City:   Silkeborg, Denmark
Message sent:   2002-02-10 16:32:52
Message:   Hej,Pirjo villa bara titta lite på dina hunda, dom är bara så bra, själva har mestansdels roans, men lika alla färgar, hoppas du vil titta ind på min hemsida
Name:   sue bruno
Homepage address:   http://www.geocities.com/cobaltcockers
City:   brisbane australia
Message sent:   2002-02-01 03:24:34
Message:   pirjo, thankyou for signing my guestbook,my web site is being redesigned and will be up shortly.yes I have a lot of oranges I just adore the colour,but it is hard to win with them . sue
Name:   kristel blankespoor
Homepage address:  
City:   Haalderen
Message sent:   2002-01-23 07:02:23
Message:   very nice page.<BR> keep up the good work with your dogs.<BR> regards Kristel
Name:   Helena
Homepage address:   http://members.surfeu.fi/elmersgoldmine
City:   Finland
Message sent:   2002-01-22 04:37:04
Message:   Hei! Hienot sivut ja kauniita cockereita. Terveisiä täältä kylmästä Suomesta (-20) Helena
Name:   Stans Peters
Homepage address:  
City:   Westerhoven ( Nederland)
Message sent:   2001-12-28 17:42:07
Message:   Hello, I saw that in the peddigree from your dogs that Quettandene Emblem is the great grandfather. My dog (a red cocker spaniel) has Quettandene Emblem as his grandfather. My dog (Kordon's Flame of Life) is almost 14 years old. I am want to know more about my dogs grandparents and his great grandparents. His mother is Quettadene Enticing N.H.S.B. imp. (eng) KCR J 7118801 K 03 Her father is Quettandene Emblem KCSB 0705 BT her mother is Quettandene Ebony Bloom KCSB 1042 BS. Can you tell me more about them? I am still very pleased with my dog, he is my third cocker spaniel and the next one will be a cocker spaniel again. I like youre site. Lovely dogs. My first and second where black's as well. Hope to here something from you. Kind Regards Stans Peters-Machiels
Name:   elaine@claramand.force9.co.uk
Homepage address:  
Message sent:   2001-12-26 12:53:55
Message:   BEST WISHES FOR 2002,<BR> loved your site, and good luck for the new year, Elaine
Name:   Elaine Thomas
Homepage address:   http://www.claramand.forc9.co.uk
City:   Melton Mowbray
Message sent:   2001-12-26 12:52:47
Message:   Hello to you! Good luck with your dogs for 2002, and congratulations on your lovely site, best wishes for a happy and healthy new year. Elaine
Name:   Birgit
Homepage address:  
City:   Ratingen
Message sent:   2001-12-25 12:58:39
Message:   Thanks a lot for the link, Pirjo. The link to Your side will coming up after the holidays. have a wonderful christmas time. kind regards BB PS: an english version will be coming at mid jan. 2002.
Name:   Sheila Ewan
Homepage address:   http://craigdean-cockers.supanet.com
City:   Scotland
Message sent:   2001-12-23 17:47:11
Message:   Well done on qualifying for Crufts 2002 (see you there), what an achievement. Hope you all have a Very Merry Xmas and A Guid New Year. Sheila
Name:   Birgit
Homepage address:   http://www.caras-cocker.de
City:   Ratingen/Germany
Message sent:   2001-12-22 08:07:59
Message:   Hello Again Pirjo Thanks a lot for visiting my webside, will set-up a Link to Yours as soon as my webmaster have a little bit time :-))) have a merry christmas and a happy, healthy and succesfull new year give a little kiss to Iina and Willy too
Name:   Anja Dekegel
Homepage address:  
Message sent:   2001-12-06 12:07:11
Message:   Hallo Ik heb een student hondentrimmen en in januari moeten wij twee keer over een cocker beschikken (twee maal dezelfde hond). Wij gaan onder professioneel toezicht de hond volledig trimmen en verzorgen. Gezien er maar weinig cockers te vinden zijn probeer ik het via deze weg. Kent u iemand die zijn cocker gratis wil laten trimmen door mij kan u mij steeds bereiken op 0475/235583. Liefts iemand uit de buurt van Mechelen of Antwerpen of Vilvoorde. Groetjes Anja
Name:   helena siven
Homepage address:  
Message sent:   2001-12-03 13:35:38
Message:   Onnittelut loistavasti menneestä Englannin valloituksesta!!! Good luck to Cruft´s!!!
Name:   Carol Lee Dawson
Homepage address:   http://www.geocities.com/gunwisegundogs
City:   Koorawatha NSW. Australia
Message sent:   2001-11-16 05:42:02
Message:   Great site and truely lovely blacks. Really should add a roan or two in there, they say variety is the spice of life! Good luck at the shows. Regards from downunder. Carol Lee Dawson
Name:   Jo Phillips
Homepage address:   http://phibella.mybravenet.com
City:   Galong NSW Australia
Message sent:   2001-11-16 04:59:31
Message:   Hi  We seem to have Cockers with very similar lines as the 12 week old puppies I have at the moment have Quettadene Emblem as their great great grandfather too. These pups are out of Erracht Belle Amour whom you can see on my photo page but my site is still not finished yet. Regards Jo Phillips Phibella Cocker Spaniels
Name:   Leena Jääskeläinen
Homepage address:  
City:   Parikkala
Message sent:   2001-10-13 00:58:42
Message:   Hello,hello! Viesti tuli hyvin perille. Siulla on hienot kotisivut tosiaan-tietäähän nämä ammattilaiset...Jännä lukea kävijöiden tekstejä muista maista. Meillä laitettiin eilen mikrosirut tunnistusta varten tämänkesäsille varsoille.Ne saavat sitten europassin eli rekisteritodistuksen. Nimet ovat nyt virallisesti River Coin (e.Chateau Margaux-i.New Grove Coin) ja Tuile (e.Evila-i.Turo). Niinkuin huomaat suomenhevosilla on suomenkieliset nimet ja lämminverisillä englanninkieliset. Hyvää syksyn jatkoa! Kirjoitellaan! Terv. Leena (Kuutin mukula)
Name:   Sharon Martin
Homepage address:  
City:   Bristol, United Kingdom
Message sent:   2001-09-07 02:02:57
Message:   Just visited your web site........lovely!!, beautiful dogs, thanks for the help with tracing my dogs ancestors.
Name:   Zoja Schönigerová
Homepage address:   http://www.cocker.cz/schonez
City:   Brno, Czech Republic
Message sent:   2001-08-27 16:44:41
Message:   Hallo! My name is Zoja Schönigerová.I live in Czech republic.I´m 38 years old and I have been devoting breeding of English cocker spaniel since the year 1992.My kennel´s name is Schönez.I was impressed by your dogs and I would like to make a cooperation with you. Next year I want to mate my two females - Her Royal Highness Hillary Schönez and Roma Schönez Black Petrs. Thank you very much and I´m looking forward to your reply. Contact : http://www.coker.cz/schonez<BR> Mail : schonez@cocker.cz With regards, Zoja Schönigerová. Sorry for my English.
Name:   Lea Bogers Dam
Homepage address:  
Message sent:   2001-08-18 15:15:43
Message:   Hi Pirjo wen are you home in Antwerpen Lea
Name:   Dominika
Homepage address:   http://www.psy.pl
City:   Wroclaw, Poland
Message sent:   2001-07-24 12:07:29
Message:   Bardzo ladna stronka, bedziemy tu zagladac czesciej.
Name:   Linda Malmstedt
Homepage address:   http://www.welcome.to/lindas
City:   Stockholm, Sweden.
Message sent:   2001-06-12 05:49:47
Message:   Hi!! Love your site!! Hope that you don´t mind that I took a copy of one of your photos... On Quettadene Emblem... I am trying to find some photos of my Charbonnel dogs realatives...so i can put it on my homepage... Owen (Sheerclever Pretender) sends lots of love to his mom...I will put in a link to your site from mine... Regards Linda and cockers..
Name:   Elena
Homepage address:   http://cocker.go.ro
City:   Bucharest, Romania
Message sent:   2001-05-30 13:31:10
Message:   You have a very nice web site and very beautiful cockers. Congratulations!
Name:   Heather Lundquist
Homepage address:   http://www.ringen.net/~hlu/baileys.htm
City:   Dalarna, Sweden
Message sent:   2001-03-27 14:52:45
Message:   Very beautiful cockers -black and red are my favorite colors! Come and visit my cocker's site and please sign my guestbook, too! All the best, Heather Lundquist from ecockerspaniel@yahoogroups
Name:   alie bennink
Homepage address:  
City:   oudheusden
Message sent:   2001-03-19 16:18:47
Message:   Nice page, see you around Alie
Name:   Pirjo Peltonen
Homepage address:   http://welcome.to/walkingshadows
City:   Antwerp, Belgium
Message sent:   2001-02-26 12:05:19
Message:   Testing the new guestbook...


The very old guestbook entries...

lovely site !
This was posted by:
Marcia <lis@gaby.com.br>

This guest's handle is: Lis
These comments were posted Saturday, January 20, 2001 at 12:25:57 (PST)

nice site and photos good luck in the new year
This was posted by:
judika cockers <kcostello@judika.freeserve.co.uk>

This guest's handle is: keith
These comments were posted Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 11:14:54 (PST)

Hello! My Name is Janine and I´m coming from Austria! I´m the owner of a blue-roan bitch, wich name ist Kiss me Goodbye v. ÖRing "Chili". On the Photo you can see her with 8 Month. Its a very new Photo! It would be great when you visit my Homepage! And please write in my guestbook! Thank you, merry Christmas and a happy new Year, Janine and her Cocker Chili
This was posted by:
Janine <wif.dobler@utanet.at>

These comments were posted Friday, December 22, 2000 at 10:08:27 (PST)

Hi Pirjo, what a great site. I really love Willy, he looks fantastic, short cobby, super neck, just love all of him. Will link yr site to mine, thanks for linking mine to yours. All the best in the future. Will keep an eye on Willy's career. Sheila
This was posted by:
Sheila Ewan <craigdean.cockers@tinyworld.co.uk>

MSN Messenger is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 18:14:18 (PST)

Hi! I am from Bucharest,Romania and I like your site very much and I find it very interesting. I have an English Cocker Spaniel too, she's a black&tan female and her name is Rebecca "Becky". Her father is a black&tan male imported from France named Mr T du Domaine De Makno (Charbonnel Sheer Genius X Harmony du Domaine De Makno). If you'll visit my site www.becky.canad.ro you'll see Becky's pedigree, pictures of her, a presentation of Spaniel Club of Romania and the most important English Cocker Spaniel kennels from Romania at the moment.
This was posted by:
Elena Brencea <cbrencea@canad.ro>

These comments were posted Friday, December 08, 2000 at 00:51:58 (PST)

Hi Pirjo, Just visited your wonderful site, you have some wonderful photo's of your dogs and of course your little one. I was sad to read of your loss of Juni, I recently had a similar loss! The group photo of Juni, Iina and Oliver is great and Oliver as the "Cool Dude" is great! As for Willie, what can one say! A playwright's dream!!! I wish you and your kennel every success in the future. Kind regards George
This was posted by:
George Grindlay <queenswell_cocker_spaniels@breathemail.net>

COCKERS-UK is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 10:50:52 (PDT)

Hi, Pirjo Congratulations to the big successes of Willy in Finland. Also to his good results by eyes and hip´s. Great! Best regards from Birgit
This was posted by:
Birgit Borsdorf <Birgit.Borsdorf@t-online.de>

These comments were posted Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 05:56:12 (PDT)

Moi! Onnittelut Willyn menestyksestä näyttelykehissä täällä Suomessa ja muualla! Iina ansaitsee kyllä paljon taputuksia kaikista upeista lapsistaan! Pärjäilkäähän! T. Nina, Sani, Solo ja Seri
This was posted by:
Nina Waldvogel <nina.waldvogel@helsinki.fi>

These comments were posted Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 05:03:32 (PDT)

Heippa !! Terveiset täältä Itäisestä Suomesta ! Toivotan sinulle hyvää menestystä siellä kaukomailla ! Meidän yksi koira tulee sinne hieman lähemmäksi syksyksi kilpailemaan eli Saksaan ! Ihanat koirat kuten ennenkin T:Heli ja Kennel New Design's poppoo
This was posted by:
Heli Tolvanen <heli.tolvanen@kolumbus.fi>

These comments were posted Sunday, July 23, 2000 at 11:40:49 (PDT)

Dear Friend! This new job really is something! I have enjoyed every minute of it! Waiting for meating up with You and Dogs, soon! Love, Elena
This was posted by:
elena oikkonen <elena.oikkonen@luukku.com>

These comments were posted Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 03:29:40 (PDT)

A lovely site and some great dogs! Keep up the good work. Best wishes from Lourisma Cocker Spaniels - uk.
This was posted by:
Louise Richmond <lourisma@btinternet.com>

This guest's handle is: Lourisma
These comments were posted Friday, July 07, 2000 at 13:00:53 (PDT)

Hi Pirjo, This is just a quick note, as I haven't got your e-mail address, to say that my domain name has changed to www.CharbonnelCockers.co.uk and now my new site is almost completed......just the 'news' section and 'deerhound' page to do !! I am not sure if you will need to amend your link, although the old site will point to the new one (or should do !! I am not as good with computers as you !) I hope you're keeping well...not long until the Cocker Club now... Best Wishes, Sandy x
This was posted by:
Sandy Platt <sandy@charbonnel.co.uk>

These comments were posted Thursday, June 22, 2000 at 14:49:34 (PDT)

Me again, When I saw my message I realised that my web address was not printed......it's www.CharbonnelCockers.co.uk Best Wishes, Sandy.
This was posted by:
Sandy (again!! )

This guest's handle is: www.CharbonnelCockers.co.uk
These comments were posted Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 16:52:31 (PDT)

Hi Pirjo, How are you? I'm just 'calling' to say hello and to let you know that my web-site is being updated and will soon be available, if it isn't already, at the above address. You will find some old photos and a little history and lots of newer photos and pedigrees- hope you like it !! Soon some deerhounds will be added too.......
This was posted by:
Sandy Platt <Sandy@charbonnel.co.uk>

These comments were posted Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 16:47:43 (PDT)

Congratulations from Brazil!!!We loved your dogs!!! Best in Show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was posted by:
Iord & Elisa <primacy@vetorialnet.com.br>

icq - 63968675 is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, June 10, 2000 at 11:53:32 (PDT)

Hy, you have a beautiful homepage and and some beautiful dogs there. Hope to see you sometimes. Together with my brother I have Clumbers(imported from England) and a cocker bitch (imported from Italy). Best wishes from beautiful Croatia .
This was posted by:
Maja Bubalo <hrothgars@usa.net>

These comments were posted Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 10:02:58 (PDT)

Congratualtions on a very nice webpage! Why don`t you come and visit us?
This was posted by:
Marie Therese Haugen <shifrasa@ol.telia.no>

These comments were posted Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 06:22:43 (PDT)

Greetings from Sweden! I really liked your dogs and the homepage! So keep it up and good luck in the future! Best regards / Annika
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 03:57:30 (PDT)

Hi Pirjo,Long time no see !! Your site is excellent,well done.Maybe see you in Europe this year,unless you are planning a visit to a U.K. show (with a dog even ??!!) Best wishes for the future,Sandy.
This was posted by:
Sandy Platt <charbonnel@lineone.net>

This guest's handle is: Charbonnel Cockers, U.K.
These comments were posted Thursday, May 11, 2000 at 15:51:03 (PDT)

Happy Birthday to You, Pirjo! I hope we can celebrate, among other things, Your birthday next time You are in Finland! -Next beer is on me... Love, Elena and Harri
This was posted by:
elena <elena.oikkonen@viesticity.fi>

These comments were posted Thursday, May 11, 2000 at 00:23:13 (PDT)

Bravo pour votre site. Il est du reste trés interessant
This was posted by:
JEROME DESMARCHELIER <jerome;desmarchelier1@mageos.com>

These comments were posted Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 12:46:37 (PDT)

Hallo! I´ve just been looking around your site and had a very pleasant time. "Willi" looks very promising, good luck in the future. / Monica.
This was posted by:
Monica Forsander <manacas@home.se>

These comments were posted Sunday, April 23, 2000 at 06:14:48 (PDT)

Hey Great site, looks great and dogs are "pretty" Thanks for recovery info on my site. More soon. Boris Pegan THE TALKING EYES English Springers, English Setters & English Cockers
This was posted by:
Boris Pegan <talkingeye@aol.com>

These comments were posted Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 06:10:37 (PDT)

Great site, very interesting to look at. Thanks for instructions on "recovering" my infos. Cheers Boris Pegan THE TALKING EYES English Springers, English Setters & English Cockers
This was posted by:
Boris Pegan <talkingeye@aol.com>

This guest's handle is: The Talking Eyes USA
These comments were posted Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 06:06:11 (PDT)

Hi Pirjo, This is a messages from Lea, I"ve just got Email, so I'm testing it,greetings from me..
This was posted by:
Lea bogers <tripol.s@wanadoo.nl>

These comments were posted Friday, March 31, 2000 at 03:22:45 (PST)

Congratulations from Brazil!!!!!!!1 We loved your dogs!!!!
This was posted by:
Iord & Elisa Silva - Primacy Cockers <primacy@vetorialnet.com.br>

ICQ is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Sunday, March 26, 2000 at 15:18:57 (PST)

I want to get into jounior handeling and i wondering if you knew anyone who has dogs that are finished and looking for homes for the dogs?
This was posted by:

dog chat rooms is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, March 23, 2000 at 13:52:53 (PST)

Do you know of any one who has dogs that are already finshed?
This was posted by:
Ashley Miller

This guest's handle is: I do jounior handeling
dog chat rooms is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, March 23, 2000 at 13:48:33 (PST)

Wonderful Homepage and beautiful dogs. " Willi" is my favourite dog. When do You have some new pictures? Kind regards
This was posted by:
Birgit Borsdorf <Birgit.Borsdorf@t-online.de>

all Cocker-Spaniel Sites is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, February 24, 2000 at 16:40:47 (PST)

I maybe just a kid but I saw some very eligant cockers and just as many purple ribbons.
This was posted by:

This guest's handle is: Phat Al
all is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Saturday, January 01, 2000 at 16:26:14 (PST)

Hello I have seen pictures of your dogs lots of times in Swedish and Finnish magasines. Good Luck
This was posted by:
Ulla-Stina Eriksson kennel Usemade

These comments were posted Wednesday, December 29, 1999 at 11:12:09 (PST)

Bonita Web y hermosos cockers,felicidades.-Antonio
This was posted by:
Antonio Plaza Reyes.-Los Ombues <ombues@personal.inode.es>

These comments were posted Tuesday, December 28, 1999 at 14:06:16 (PST)

This was posted by:
Marie Loré <marie.lore@swipnet.se>

These comments were posted Thursday, December 16, 1999 at 14:28:35 (PST)

Greetings from Finland!!! Your homesite is great!!! Please visit my Kerry Blue-homesite. Mirka M. Nieminen and Bright Spot Kerry Blues.
This was posted by:
Mirka M. Nieminen <bright.spot@co.inet.fi>

These comments were posted Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 13:33:58 (PST)

You have a very good site with wonderful photos.
This was posted by:
Carina Östberg <gazette@swipnet.se>

This guest's handle is: cocker spaniel
These comments were posted Monday, November 15, 1999 at 11:55:43 (PST)

Hi Pirjo! Willy looks splendid! It will be very interesting to see how he develops. Thanks for your help with my site during earlier this year. Good luck with Willy & Co in the future! Sten - Maxi Mates
This was posted by:
Sten Bergquist <maximates@telia.com>

These comments were posted Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 16:22:34 (PST)

Dear Willy, Happy Birthday to you! Hope you`ll get a fine, big bone today. I noticed the V1 by the "Bundessiegerzuchtschau in Dortmund", great! Greetings from Germany, Michèle Hof
This was posted by:
Michèle Hof <Wolfgang.Hof@t-online.de>

These comments were posted Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 08:27:55 (PST)

This was posted by:
Lotte Andreasen <claus-og-lotte-ballesvej25@post.tele.dk>

These comments were posted Monday, October 11, 1999 at 05:34:34 (PDT)

Hello from Finland, so beautiful site!
This was posted by:
Janita Leinonen <janita@visse.net>

These comments were posted Monday, October 11, 1999 at 05:06:15 (PDT)

some truly beautiful blacks one has to own a black to realy appreciate them
This was posted by:
peg snyder <canecs@glasscity.net>

These comments were posted Friday, September 24, 1999 at 20:35:23 (PDT)

Your dogs are absolutely beautiful! I am so sorry to read that you lost the lovely Juni. My condolences. Kathy Wilson and Little Liza (a liver roan)
This was posted by:
Kathy Wilson <pippa@deseretonline.com>

These comments were posted Friday, September 24, 1999 at 14:45:18 (PDT)

I really enjoyed visiting your site!
This was posted by:
Ebbe Jensen <t_jensen@post1.dknet.dk>

These comments were posted Saturday, September 11, 1999 at 03:46:39 (PDT)

Heej Pirjo Thanks for helping me get started on my homepage,but I´ll think I will need a little more help. I hope you will enjoy your trip home to Belgien, I hope that the dogs will not get sea sick. Talk to you soon. Lotte
This was posted by:
Lotte <claus-og-lotte-ballesvej25@post.tele.dk>

These comments were posted Friday, September 10, 1999 at 03:57:49 (PDT)

Heej Pirjo Congratulation with your big star Willy, it was super of him to take his first CAC so young, keep him running. I cross my fingers for him on the next show. Lotte
This was posted by:
Lotte Andreasen <claus-og-lotte-ballesvej25@post.tele.dk>

These comments were posted Thursday, August 26, 1999 at 05:27:43 (PDT)

Hej Pirjo I`m looking forward to see you in Denmark, have a safe trip. Your page are great, Villy are doing very well, I know what you mean when you say he has lot`s of coat,I`m thinking of Fancy when he was 10 month, but leave it on Best whishes Lotte
This was posted by:
Lotte <claus-og-lotte-ballesvej25@post.tele.dk>

These comments were posted Saturday, July 17, 1999 at 13:45:31 (PDT)

Tosi nätiksi kasvanut tuo Willy! Ihanat pentukarvat vielä päällä...
This was posted by:
Hanna <hannis@artic.net>

These comments were posted Friday, July 16, 1999 at 05:54:21 (PDT)

Nice page!
This was posted by:
Kari Granaas Hansen

These comments were posted Tuesday, May 11, 1999 at 14:18:15 (PDT)

Thanks for linking to my homepage! I will do the same for you as I really liked it. Good luck in the future! Marie
This was posted by:
Marie Loré <anders.lore@hem-pc.bip.net>

These comments were posted Saturday, May 01, 1999 at 04:59:26 (PDT)

Nice to see another cocker web page up, will put you on my links page!
This was posted by:
mandy green <stu06103@aug.edu>

This guest's handle is: greenwoodecs
none is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Thursday, April 29, 1999 at 08:50:46 (PDT)

Hi, now it´s my turn to visit your homepage. Your homepage includes som familiar cockerfaces too. I will put a link to yor homepage, if it´s okey for you? I will visit your homepage again, soon... Maria
This was posted by:
Maria Berglund <durbervilles@skk.se>

These comments were posted Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at 05:53:09 (PDT)

Moi! Ajattelin käydä tsekkaamassa Sinun kotisivusi ennen kuin tästä häippäsen kotiin. On nyt vähän kiirus. En kerinnyt katselee vielä kovin paljoa....
This was posted by:
Pike <pirkko.olkkonen@tanskasenaatsto.inet.fi>

These comments were posted Friday, April 23, 1999 at 05:18:01 (PDT)

Good meeting other Cocker fanciers Nice dogs
This was posted by:
Ronald O'Neill <roneill@internet.com.uy>

These comments were posted Thursday, April 22, 1999 at 12:00:43 (PDT)

Lovely cockers.! I especially enjoyed seeing your Oliver as he is a grandson of the Northworth dog who is currently be shown here in the USA. I see him frequently & he is a beautiful boy. Regards. Judy Corbett-Bauer Jaybriar English cockers
This was posted by:
Judy Corbett-Bauer <jaybriar@rea-alp.com>

This guest's handle is: Jaybriar English cockers
These comments were posted Friday, April 16, 1999 at 18:54:23 (PDT)

Hello, Lovely site ...... Your animals are all outstanding. Lynda
This was posted by:
Lynda Gall <Lynann@prodigy.net>

These comments were posted Monday, April 12, 1999 at 22:38:34 (PDT)

Congratulation on your homepage, well done!!! Keep up the good work with your Cockers!! Congratulation's on "Juni's" latest wins!! Love Kristin
This was posted by:
Kristin S. Handeland <Kr-hande@online.no>

These comments were posted Monday, April 12, 1999 at 09:15:44 (PDT)

Welcome to the EC list. Enjoyed your web page. Feel this is really a small world. My English Cocker puppy's mother is out of Sheerclever Tough Glen. I have a puppy of Brenda Kelloggs breeding (Taraloe) and I know and have seen several of Tuija's dogs at Brenda's. Bye for now. Pat
This was posted by:
Pat Keene <bkeene7140@aol.com>

This guest's handle is: English Cocker owner - not a breeder
English Cocker - L is this guest's favorite chatroom.
These comments were posted Friday, April 09, 1999 at 18:39:31 (PDT)

Wonderful job. What cute puppies. From Bobbie in Canada
This was posted by:
Bobbie Tougas <hcedog@istar.ca>

These comments were posted Friday, April 09, 1999 at 08:32:24 (PDT)

Hi, I enjoyed your web page! I'll look forward to cruising through it again and again. Cyndi
This was posted by:
Cyndi Burica <aoneacb@webtv.net>

This guest's handle is: AoneA English Cockers
These comments were posted Friday, April 09, 1999 at 07:52:35 (PDT)

Lovely dogs.
This was posted by:
Ronald O'Neill <roneill@internet.com.uy>

These comments were posted Wednesday, April 07, 1999 at 09:48:21 (PDT)

Congratulations on your Web Site and lovely dogs. I have added a link at my Links' page. Keep up the good work. Best, J.V. de Braganza (Portugal)
This was posted by:
J. V. de Braganza <ip201180@ip.pt>

This guest's handle is: Stocdale Kennel - ECocker Spaniel
These comments were posted Friday, April 02, 1999 at 15:20:28 (PST)

Terveisiä Suomesta, ja keep up the good work! T. Cita, Juni ja Wendy
This was posted by:
Carita Heliö <kari.helio@dlc.fi>

These comments were posted Tuesday, March 16, 1999 at 05:40:02 (PST)

What a lovely site and nice dogs. A site with solid coloured cockers - at last!
This was posted by:
Charlotte Eglin <candour@post9.tele.dk>

This guest's handle is: Kennel Candour
These comments were posted Monday, March 15, 1999 at 05:49:35 (PST)

Upeita koiria.Itselläni ei koiraa ole mutta cockeri on mielenkiintonen rotu.Spanieli väki on ainakin tosi ystävällistä porukkaa
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Saturday, March 06, 1999 at 10:29:12 (PST)

Lovely black Cockers
This was posted by:
Ronald O'Neill <roneill@internet.com.uy>

These comments were posted Saturday, March 06, 1999 at 04:19:24 (PST)

Ihania kuvia. Mekin lähetämme terveisiä :)
This was posted by:
Katja Merivirta <katja.merivirta@mbs.fi>

These comments were posted Friday, March 05, 1999 at 07:17:25 (PST)

Hei Pirjo! Terveisiä talvisesta ja kylmästä Suomesta! Koirille terkkuja, ja onnea kasva- tustyöllesi siellä "vieraalla maalla".
This was posted by:
Nina Sallinen

These comments were posted Thursday, March 04, 1999 at 06:51:13 (PST)

Hi, You have some very beautifull dogs
This was posted by:
Kristel Blankespoor <v.d.Blankehoeve@wxs.nl>

This guest's handle is: Cocker chat
These comments were posted Monday, March 01, 1999 at 11:21:04 (PST)

Well done Pirjo!Kennel Sirkiss wishes good luck to your youngsters!Enjoy with your lovely cockers!
This was posted by:
Siru Huusari

These comments were posted Sunday, February 28, 1999 at 10:45:32 (PST)

Greetings from Finland kennel Berlottan Field and Sussex Spaniels in Finland
This was posted by:
Matti Karvala <berlottan@hotmail.com>

These comments were posted Saturday, February 27, 1999 at 03:06:47 (PST)

Congratulations with some beautiful cockers and a nice homepage.
This was posted by:
Nina Waldeland <nwaldela@online.no>

These comments were posted Wednesday, February 24, 1999 at 09:35:20 (PST)

Congratulations ! Your website is more and more interesting ! Regards, Hanson Family
This was posted by:
Hanson Family <haisha@infonie.be>

These comments were posted Wednesday, February 24, 1999 at 09:03:58 (PST)

Hienot on sivut tulossa ! Kuvia vielä lisää. T:marjut
This was posted by:
marjut kakko

These comments were posted Monday, February 15, 1999 at 04:13:19 (PST)

Tuleekos siun kotisivuille tulevaisuudessa enempikin kuvia hauvvoista ...?
This was posted by:

These comments were posted Friday, February 12, 1999 at 04:44:05 (PST)

Click your browser's BACK button to return to my home page.