Photo album

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts."
(As You Like It, Act 2, Sc. 5)

Juni, Iina & Oliver in the fresh sea air

Oliver imagining himself as Stevie Wonder

Jenna (Sheerclever Power Game) and her two brothers
(out of S. Wicked Game)

Noora (Archway Glacier Trick), my first cocker.

I took her to shows only a couple of times,
because she didn't enjoy it,
but she sure is proud to wear the Fin Ch rosette
that her kennel mate Jenni got.

Masa, Iina & Jenni

Let the sleeping dogs lie...

Very often when Jenni was a little puppy,
she had to sleep outside her puppy bed
because Noora wanted to curl herself into it
even though she could hardly fit in!


